Meatball bake


200g pasta 
2 tins tomatoes 
200ml beef stock 
3TBSP tomato purée 
1TSP parsley 
1TSP basil 
3 garlic cloves 
1 TBSP Worcestershire sauce 
1/3 tsp garlic granules 
1/3 onion granules 
500g 5% mince 
1 pepper 
2 onions 
Salt and pepper 
100g  mozzarellas 
Low calorie spray 

Start by making your meat balls by adding your mince to a bowl with garlic granules, onion granules, salt and pepper give a good mix and form into meat balls. This should give you around 10 meat balls depending on the size. add your dried pasta to a pan filled with boiled water and cook by packet instructions this is normally around 12-15 minutes. spray a frying pan with low calorie spray add your peppers, onions and meat balls cook until brown on a low/medium heat once your meatballs are brown add in your garlic and give a good mix once you start to smell the garlic cooking  then add your  tin tomatoes, beef stock, parsley, basil, Worcestershire sauce and tomato purée mix it all together and leave to simmer for 5 minutes. Once your pasta is cooked drain your pasta and add to a oven proof dish. take your meat balls and sauce pour on top of the pasta and mix together. place your mozzarella on top, pop into the oven on 180-190 for 15-20 minutes. 

Serves 4!
(50 mozzarella is one persons healthy A) 
tag me on instagram @itshollyyx if you create my recipe or use the hash tag #itshollyyx for a chance to be featured. 

Thank you and enjoy 
