Hash brown dippy fingers

4 medium size potatoes 
1,1/2  tsp garlic granules 
1 medium sized onion ( chopped into tiny pieces )
Pinch of salt 
Pinch of pepper 

Boil the 4 medium potatoes until nearly soft, remove from the hob and leave to cool. Once cooled grate each whole potato with a cheese grater. Transfer to a bowl and add the onion granules, chopped onion, pepper and salt. Mix all together until satisfied. Mould into the shape of 12 fingers spray an oven pan with spray light and place the fingers onto the tray then spray the top of the fingers with some more spray light heat your oven to 190 and cook for 15 minutes turning half way through and cooking for a further 10-15 in the mean time get your egg cooked and ready for a good dipping.

This recipe is made for two
tag me on instagram @itshollyyx if you create my recipe or use the hash tag #itshollyyx for a chance to be featured

Thank you and enjoy 
